Delhi Police ‘Steal’ Mobile Phones Of Students To Teach Them A Lesson

In the past few days, cases of mobile phone thefts have increased a lot in Delhi University’s Campus. Students are having a tough time, as everything is having unexpectedly.

A “well-dressed” woman in her 20s drives up to a student in a white Brio and asks unknown students to give their phones for an emergency. She says that the phone’s battery is dead, but the call is unavoidable. to help her, students immediately hand over their phones, without thinking twice.

As soon as she gets the phone, she escapes her car and drives away with it. This is the continuous since many days now. Once again on Thursday, the thief repeated the same outside SRCC and drove off with the phone, after borrowing it from a student for an emergency call. She is not alone, but there is a man along with her, who drives the car.


Seeing all this, the Delhi Police arranged an awareness drive for warning the students. Yes, they imitated the acts of the thieves by wearing some plain clothes, borrowing phones from students, and then driving away.


Head constable Virender Singh and sub-inspector Gurdeep Kaur, both in plain clothes, sat in a parked car near the Vishwavidyalaya Metro station. They asked two student passers-by for their phones to make emergency calls. One of the students handed over her phone and the cops sped off. The young girl looked around for help and head constable Naresh Kumar from the Maurice Nagar Police Station came to her rescue. He chased down the car on his motorcycle and caught up with the plain clothes cops. When Virender and Gurdeep stepped out of the car, Divya Kumari, the student from whom they had stolen the phone, demanded to know why they had done so. “I am from the Maurice Nagar Police Station and this is part of the awareness drive we are conducting. You have to be more careful while helping someone.

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